Annual Meeting

We will be celebrating another successful year at our Annual Meeting on February 23 and hope to see all of you there!! Please bring any questions you may have so we can address them. We are truly a worship community that is blessed to have each other working by faith to serve the Good Shepherd!! 


We at Good Shepherd have been truly blessed with the advent of the Evergreen Montessori School in our old building. Evergreen is an exceptional non-profit Montessori school for ages 2-9 encompassing Toddler, Preschool and Elementary (through Grade 3) high quality education programs. They have been leasing space in churches for 60 years now and are looking forward to partnering with us (and we with them!) for the long term (the initial lease period is 20 years!). One of the biggest advantages is that we will not have to bear any of the cost to renovate the old building. Plans for this renovation will be undertaken soon and shared with you. The intention is for renovation to be completed in time for the 2026 school year. While construction will impact the use of the old building until then, it will not impede our use of the sanctuary or offices or the parking lot so we and our sister congregations will be fully able to continue our worship services. We have already been using the narthex for many of our hospitality gatherings and will continue to do so. Evergreen is also very comfortable and experienced with sharing space after its operating hours so once completed we will resume the use of the newly renovated space on weeknights and weekends. We will be engaging with all our current partners (SDA, Manantial de Vida, Panda Camp, Wordplay, Boy Scouts and parking lot users) to manage the impact of the renovation. Importantly our mission completely aligns with Evergreen’s in championing diversity, equality and inclusivity for our community and its children. Together we will be a community of love and learning. 

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