WELCOME to Good Shepherd


  • We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd’s voice. We know by faith that we belong to God. We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us.

Our vision:

  • We will be an affirming, welcoming, diverse community of the Jesus Movement within the Episcopal Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.

  • We will communicate our faith in God with truth, love, and joy.

  • We will actively pursue peace, well-being, and justice for all people.


Read The Current eVoice Newsletter

Contact Us

Join Us

We are a located in Silver Spring, Maryland, 818 University Blvd. West, 20901. Enter from University Blvd, W. using the drive next to the Good Shepherd sign and proceed to the parking lot behind the church building. Enter the church through the double glass doors at the end of the ramp leading up from the parking lot.

The church is a short distance from the University Blvd, W & Orange Dr. and University Blvd, W & Caddington Ave. bus stops. We look forward to meeting you!

The nearest Metro Station is Wheaton, the buses shown above will be in Bay D. Good Shepherd is about a 36 minute walk (1.8 miles) from the Wheaton Metrorail Station.    




Donate Online Through Servant Keeper

You can donate by plate or pledge and sign up to have access to all of your donation information. Created your account by using the Sign Up button. Once created, you can access your account through Sign In.

    Upcoming Events 

December 21, 2024 at 9:00 AM

We meet in the St. Francis Room.
Knit, crochet, share your craft.
St. Francis Room: This is a meeting room at the rear of the Parish Hall.

December 21, 2024 at 11:00 PM

Food Drive - Good Shepherd Parking Lot

All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water
- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)
- Natural nut butters
- Brown rice (16 oz)
- Whole grain pasta
- Pasta sauce in plastic jars
- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)
- Canned fruit (in juice)
- Fruit cups
- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes
- Cooking oils and spices

December 22, 2024 at 10:30 AM

The 10:30 am service is in-person in the Good Shepherd sanctuary. Masks are optional. You are, of course, still welcome to wear your mask at any and all times. Additionally, if you know that you have had a recent COVID exposure, we trust that you will mask up and take precautions for everyone's safety.

December 25, 2024 at 11:30 AM

Bible Study with Rev. Linda Mahler, Deacon. In-person at Good Shepherd.

December 26, 2024 at 9:15 AM

The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778

January 4, 2025 at 11:00 AM

Food Drive - Good Shepherd Parking Lot
All nutritious staples are happily received. Here are some healthy items to consider:
- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water
- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)
- Natural nut butters
- Brown rice (16 oz)
- Whole grain pasta
- Pasta sauce in plastic jars
- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)
- Canned fruit (in juice)
- Fruit cups
- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes
- Cooking oils and spices
(Those of us who deliver have noticed that large boxes of dry cereal are easily squashed when piled up and not the best choice.)

January 8, 2025 at 12:30 PM

Lunch Bunch welcomes parishioners and friends alike to meet for fellowship on the second Wednesday of each month.